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Hello Everyone

My name is Andrew ( Grimm ) I'm new to this community, I have been into gaming since I was as young as I can remember and have played in multiple role play communities over the years mainly in ARMA 1- 3. A little of my professional life I'm a paramedic currently studying further into critical care and also work in two other community based organisations. In my spare time which doesn't happen to often I build custom pc's from basic builds to custom water loops, its something I enjoy and have been doing for just over 5 years.

I look forward to gaming with everyone,


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46 minutes ago, HelloMyDude said:

Welcome good sir. Remember, read the rules and there won't be any trouble :D
Glad to hear someone is a genuine paramedic, might bring some good RP.

^ if he doesn't ill ban him personally.. PERMA

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54 minutes ago, Grimm352 said:

cheers mate, look forward to getting some role play in and helping others out.

EDIT this joe guy IS definitely pretty awesome fella ;)

aww thanks bro....

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