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FiveM 2.3.1 Change log [23/04/2019]

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G'day Gamers.

As always, if you have any suggestions for the FiveM Server, you can start a thread here. If you have found any bugs, then you may report them here.

!!! IMPORTANT !!! Clear your cache to avoid any unforeseen game issues. !!! IMPORTANT !!!

How to clear your cache:

Please Note: These patch notes will include hotfixes from version 3.3.0.


  • Brand new ATM UI.
  • Transfer funds to another player is now available through the ATM.
  • Teleporters to the Aircraft carrier for people who load vehicles slowly and get teleported back. This is logged, so do not abuse it or you will be held accountable.
  • Subscriber priority in the queue.
  • A few new business owner logs.
  • Support through fivem.ozzy.life for subscribers to change their in-game vehicle plates.


  • Taxi job is now an un-whitelisted job.
  • Highway vehicles re-enabled.


  • Deleting characters (killing off character).
  • Various issues with character switching.
  • Issue with apartments not being able to be sold/rentals removed.


  • Various back-end resources.


  • Gruppe 6.
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