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FixedSkittlez's Court Booking

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FixedSkittlez's Court Booking
Application ID #9163
Submitted on 05/14/21 at 12:24:09 PM

Plaintiff Steam Name
Plaintiff Name
Jason Vorn
Defendant Name
My client is accusing the New South Wales Police Department of giving a false charge and falsely imprisoning him after being told to "move along".

My clients record has not been updated to reflect this jail time however has received the fine, which I have informed him not to pay until after this matter has been sorted.

My client is seeking monetary compensation for these actions.
Do you confirm all information provided is the truth to the best of your knowledge?

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Evening all,

Due to a lack of response from the plaintiffs legal representation this case has now been dismissed.

You are more than welcome to resubmit your case in future when you feel that you can commit to reasonable time constraints set by yourself.

Justice Morgan Freeman


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