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yamumshot's Lawyer Application

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yamumshot's Lawyer Application
Application ID #10198
Submitted on 12/08/21 at 03:57:33 PM

OOC Contact Info
Character Name
Liam Spinner
Link to your OzzyGaming player profile
How many hours have you played on OzzyGaming's FiveM server?
What do you think the role of a Lawyer is?
To Help the Legal System Make Fair decisions Even Doing day to day Adoptions and Finance Enquires Even Being able to Have sit down Appointments For Legal Rules And things about the Law System. Fighting for the Client Trying to get that Lovely W in the court Room, Even Being an Approachable Lawyer for the City Hope to Hear back From you soon
Have you recieved any formal warnings or ban on the server?
Do you have any legal experience? (Ozzy, other servers or IRL)
Done Legal Studies in Highschool, Slapped some tippys and Other People of the city The good Ol Law book when they sit there and try to make a Rule that dont Exist

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Thank you for taking the time to submit an application.

I am pleased to inform you that your application has been progressed to...


Please speak to a law council member about getting your appropriate interview´╗┐´╗┐. You can easily seek out a Judge by joining Teamspeak´╗┐´╗┐´╗┐´╗┐ (ts.ozzy.life) and joining the District Courtroom.

Alternatively you can contact me directly via emails at:

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Thank you for taking the time to submit an application.

I am sorry to inform you that your application has been


No response received relating to your application. You may apply again at a future date.

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