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paulmclean's Court Booking

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paulmclean's Court Booking
Application ID #9172
Submitted on 05/15/21 at 12:19:59 PM

Plaintiff Steam Name
Plaintiff Name
John Smith
Defendant Name
Nsw police
On the 15/05/2021 at 10pm I was defending myself at the unicorn when a person who attacked me went around a corner and I proceeded to chase him around the corner and pulled my gun out and told him too get on his knees when a police office that I couldn't eye shot me with a taser without identifying himself. I was then arrested and book for brandishing a weapon. My gun was also destroyed. They didn't process me and they also didn't give me a option too call a lawyer.
Do you confirm all information provided is the truth to the best of your knowledge?

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Hi @paulmclean
Can you provide your DOB.
This way Police can look at the request.
It's basic name with of people having it.
Are you going to represent yourself or will you be getting a lawyer?
Justice, Robert French.

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